In 2023 in Remor we set ourselves the goal to start a green transition, a long and challenging path that everyone needs to do towards our planet and all its inhabitants. We are committed every day to make our company culture and work life better by encouraging everyone to be more sensible to every aspect of sustainability. Everything starts from the simple actions, like for example the correct waste collection, car-sharing among colleagues, led lighting, the use of the bike instead of the car… But our commitment towards sustainability includes also actions related to our products’ life-cycle, like for example eco-design and the choice to use sustainable materials.
And what a better occasion if not the World Environment Day – which occur the 5th June – to talk about our choice to use 100% recycled and 100% recyclable PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate, more commonly called Plexiglas)?


We live in a world at the continuous research of new and sustainable solutions, aiming for a circular vision of economy and lifestyle. Each of us must commit day by day to reach these goals.
These aims are also posed by the World Environment Day which occur the 5th June of every year since 1972 and that has the aim to raise awareness with reference to different themes about sustainability. This year the theme is the awareness about pollution caused by plastic.
In our little reality, we tried to reduce the use of plastic and when we need to do that, we do it in our green philosophy way.
To be more precise, with reference to PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate, more commonly called Plexiglas), we use only Green Cast which is a recycled Plexiglas produced by 100% recycled raw materials, that make it 100% recycled and 100% recyclable.


Green Cast is a recycled Plexiglas which is the result of the research of the Italian company Madeperla Spa, which produce it from complete recycled raw material that make it 100% recycled. This characteristic allows the material to be totally recyclable at the end of its life. It can be recycled infinite times without never losing its excellent technique features, like durability, easiness of work and aesthetic aspect.
We employ recycled Plexiglas to realize several products: floor standing display, counter display, illuminated signs, name plates and many more indoor and outdoor signage and display elements.
Our effort is not limited to the design and realization of recycled Plexiglas elements, but we also try to guarantee products’ circular lifecycle. We in fact pay particular attention to the disposal of these materials. In this last product phase, we rely on a specialized company which deals with the recovery of plastics, their disposal, reprocessing and strive to put it back into the market, without wasting resources to create new ones. It deals not only with Plexiglas but also with PVC, such as Forex.
Finally, disposal is not just about our company and so production wastes, but it is also about final products. Finally, disposal is not just about our company and so production wastes, but it is also about final products. All of our customers can return the recycled Plexiglas product they bought from us at the end of their lifecycle, and we guarantee them that these Plexiglas will be correctly put back in the production to create new recycled Plexiglas.


For many years, we produce some nameplates for one of our historic customers, to indicate the kitchen models in the showrooms and trade fairs. This is a simple, neutral and elegant product which perfectly suits a classy place.
This year the challenge was to make these nameplates while maintaining their aesthetic appeal, quality and durability but in a sustainable material.
Green Cast resulted to be the best choice! We appositely develop a new construction and production technique that allow us to create this new model of nameplates in recycled Plexiglas.
How? We started from a unique sheet of Green Cast, personalized with digital print and prepared for wall mounting with simple wall dowels. Obviously, also the packaging has followed our Green Philosophy and it has been made in shaped cardboard and scotch tape paper.
Once the trade fair is finished or when a showroom needs to change, these name plates will come back to our company and we will cure the disposal to give them a new life!

Targhette in Green Cast
Targhette in plexiglas riciclato